Salvatore Marchesi on the Development of Voice Science

1 minute


Those that search for novelty generally fasten upon one point out of many, and build upon it a whole system of their own, submitting to it or setting aside everything that does not bear upon their conception or agree with it. It would be impossible to enumerate, even approximately, the different systems excogitated under the pretense of a discovery of the secret how to render the production and culture of the voice easy and perfect. The evil resulting from these effusions is incalculable.

It would certainly be unjust to deny that modern physiological investigation has furnished a broader basis for studying the phenomenon of the human voice. But the material furnished by new scientific discoveries must be subjected to severe criticism, and compared by the practical teacher with such real facts as are positively demonstrated by long experience, accredited traditions, and approved results. We cannot and must not throw away all that constitutes the inheritance of ages, all that has furnished evidence of practical value; but must use the new ideas to complete and perfect the old ones.

Marchesi, Salvatore. A Vademecum for Singing-teachers and Pupils. G. Schirmer, 1902.

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